Trust always involves risk.

Hello love bunny!  How is your lil fuzzy self tonight?  For the past few months I have been learning to trust someone on a very deep level.  Today a situation came up that I had to make a decision to trust or not.  I decided to trust.  Not only did this person not let me down, but they actually created an environment to foster even more trust.  I took a risk and just to be honest, it was mondo damn cool.  As I was driving home, I was thinking about how much I’ve grown over the past few months and how happy I was that I made a decision to trust.  I had to get off of the interstate because it was a parking lot.  I took an exit and then a side street to get home.  As the sun was shining down on me and I was talking to God I glanced over and saw this sign….”Trust always involves risk”.   Has this ever happened to you?  It felt like God wrote that message just for me.  I just love it when the universe is aligned and groovy things like that happen.  Tonight’s J is titled “J90 Just a Groovy J”. 

J90 Just a Groovy J

I am stunned that I have been doing this for 90 days!  It’s completely amazing to me because it doesn’t feel like it.  I’m still having fun!  🙂

I wanted to share the info with you about the Hardball tournament and auction/raffle that is going on April 23rd.  I talked with Lindsay yesterday and she gave me permission, with great enthusiasm I might add, to share the information.  The tournament will take place at

Players Pizza & Sports Bar
2305 Balls Ferry Road, Anderson, CA 96007-3502
(530) 365-5473 ‎

from 9 am till 12 pm.  You can contact Lindsay on Facebook.  Her user name is Lindsay Burbank and she has an events page here!/event.php?eid=135847006484830

If you are in the Anderson California area and want to participate, send her a message and she will send you her phone number.  If you are across the country like I am and want to contribute you can also contact her about that.  I just want to thank Lindsay and all the other volunteers for supporting Susan G. Komen for the cure.  Your light shines bright.  Thank you is not enough.

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I like that. I came across you blog yesterday on Blog Surfer,meant to subscribe then it flashed off the screen while my 5 year old was pulling me away…

    this evening, via Blog Surfer, I came across it by accident. Yea!

    Is Anderson in the Sacramento area? I’m in Southern CA- South Orange County- between Los Angeles and San Diego.

    Anyway, like the drawings and your posts. I’m trying to create a blogging community of friends and it’s growing swiftly.

    Swing on by, if you’d like and make some comments & join the fun!


    • Sandi I’m not sure where Anderson is actually. I’m in the Atlanta area. Lindsay contacted me through Facebook. She’s more than happy to share info though. Give her a click and I’m sure she’ll be happy to give you all the info. 🙂 I’ll definately pop over to your blog soon. Right now my eyes are closing on me. Have a great night.

  2. Oh Jacqueline, you inspire me SO MUCH.

    ❤ ❤ ❤

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